The largest format in the Signature series, the Davidoff Signature Toro delivers the perfect combination of complexity and balance. The additional tobaccos, typical of a cigar this size, provides a bold, stimulating taste. Cigar has notes of oak and cedar wood, allowing creamy, sweet and citrus notes to surface. Creating a pleasingly complex cigar.
Davidoff Signature cigars with their notes of coffee are exceptionally paired with an aromatic, milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whiskey.
Davidoff Signature Series Toro cigar delivers tons of rich and complex flavors. Even though it is mellow to medium bodied in strength. The blend features the finest aged Dominican binder and fillers. Also an oily Ecuador Sun Grown wrapper, resulting in beautifully balanced notes of white pepper, wood, salty caramel, cocoa, and a luring tobacco sweetness throughout. Davidoff ‘s special cigar of Toro gives you a luxury smoking experience.
This mild cigar exhibits pleasing notes of wood, earth and sweetness. Its silky, smooth golden-hued Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper sheaths an Ecuadorian binder and a Dominican filler. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Davidoff Signature Toro pairs well with coffee, champagne or a peated whisky.
Format:ToroRing Gauge:54Length (in):6Smoking Time:50 minutesWrapper:Ecuador Sun GrownBinder:EcuadorFiller:Dominican RepublicStrength:1.5
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