The Davidoff Aniversario with intense notes of roasted nuts, cedar wood and fresh spice, the aromatic and balanced medium blend is ideally complemented by the elegant character of a brut champagne. Aniversario, the medium intensity and irresistibly creamy cigars. The Davidoff Aniversario Series of luxury handmade premium cigars was attently celebrated and launched on the Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986.
Every Aniversario begins with a blend of tobaccos that have been aged for four years and have been carefully chosen by Davidoff’s experts in the Dominican Republic. The tobacco is rolled and aged using the industry’s most authentic and traditional methods. Aniversario promises characteristic smoothness, richflavor and perfect balance.
This series stands out for its unexpected lightness and powerful scent. These cigars are finely presented in a distinctive and attractive way, with the tobacco harmonizing perfectly in an optimum balance. The flavor of the Davidoff Double “R” is comparable to that of the Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 Tubos, a Toro format. This cigar has a larger body and an even more distinct fragrance thanks to its shorter format. For those who enjoy cigars constructed with robust, distinctive tobacco blends, a longer Robust.
A golden-blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf and vintage Dominican binder and filler tobaccos are mixed to create Aniversario cigars. Aniversario cigars are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic in a variety of traditional sizes. A staple in the brand’s private white label lineup. Davidoff Aniversario is prized for its creamy, rich flavor and faultless consistency. When you’re looking for a light, top-shelf cigarette with a pleasant flavor and scent, Davidoff Aniversario is the best choice.
Shapes : Churchill, Corona, Perfecto, Robusto, Toro, Torpedo
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Dominican Republic