Opus5, Opus7 and Opus8 for Fuente Fuente OpusX Serie “Heaven and Earth” are presented in three different assortments of OpusX Serie “Heaven and Earth”. A portion of the sales proceeds is donated to Cigar Family Charitable Foundation, which strives to improve the lives of underprivileged children in the Bonao region of the Dominican Republic.
“To visit Chateau de la Fuente is to bask in the hospitality of the Fuentes, to be welcomed as part of their family. Their guest house and nearby gazebo are both protected by thatched roofs of palm fronds that ward off undesired spirits in the time-honored tradition of ancient Cuba.
And when one asks about the picturesque painted rock scorpion colorfully stretched out across a green expanse of lawn, Carlito will tell you that Scorpio was the astrological birth sign of his grandfather Arturo, born on November 18th. Perhaps not by chance, this was also the date the very first boxes of Fuente Fuente OpusX were shipped to America.”