This Box of 20 Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto is latest reiteration of the Winston Churchill line of cigars. The Nicaraguan tobaccos are aged in meticulously inspected single malt scotch whisky casks. The aged barrels gives the tobacco a sweeter oak taste, that mingle nicely with the San Andreas, Habano Oscuro, Dominican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos. This eclectic blend of the Ecuadorian wrapper, Mexican Binder, and Dominican/Nicaraguan filled. Your taste buds will be greatful for the complex layers of flavors the cigar develops as you smoke it. The dominant note of sweet oak is complimented by a black pepper on the draw and a more soothing raw coffee bean finish. You won’t regret treating yourself to latest coming from the great people at Davidoff.
Cigar Wrapper : Ecuadorian Habano
Cigar Binder: Mexican San Andres
Cigar Filler: Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Country: Dominican Republic
Cigar Strength: Medium / Full
Cigar Length: 5″
Cigar Gauge: 52
Cigar Shape: Robusto
Handmade: Yes
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